Hello and welcome to my website. I'm David Spiro
I may be semi-retired from hairdressing, video production, and preforming in the Silicon Valley but being a creative guy in general I am most happy when totally engaged in writing a scrrenplay.
My best plays are in the fantasy genre.
I have written about a dozen short stories and short screenplays. Five full length movies, best examples, good and bad are below.
Currently working on a time travel piece with the working title "In Good Time", involving Tesla, Edison and a guy from the future who needs their help in supplying power to every corner of the globe.
VIDIAN was created as a video production service
My main goal was to entertain in anything I produced, weither making a company look good to get it sold or recording a special event. Motto: Always Entertain All Ways.
I have a lot of real life experience. Before I created VIDIAN in 1994 I was one of the first hairdressers to book appointments on the internet in 1984. After the WEB was created my clients could use the site to check my schedule and book hair appointments.
Things have slowed down since moving to East County San Diego in 2000 where my wife and I enjoy the quiet of our rural area. Now writing is pretty much my olny past time.
HERE are some of my scripts
Hidden Millions
came in third in a Blue Cat Compition
Three friends look for gold hidden by a father.
Not knowing that the two guys are brothers, and one of them is dead, our hero and his lesbian best friend do battle with politcally powerful people while decoding clues left by the boys late father, that could leed them to millions in gold.
TThree Poodles
Think Man from Uncle meets Get Smart only with three toy poodles who use The Link, that all animals use to leave messages and spy gadgets to haress an evil guy and send him off to the hills .
Video production short form
Salon Opus
Epidodes taken from 45 years of working in salons spiced with a tale of hiddenn money.
(No one but my wife has ever seen this because it sucked)
Side of the Road
Placed 49th in a Canadian contest
First script, written the John Sayles way. I just started typing. Ended up with a fantasy about an entrepreneur cleaning up the environment while correcting the history of a small town.
(Coverage didin't think I'd get the three story lines figured out by the end- but I did)
I’m a paragraph. Drag me to add paragraph to your block, write your own text and edit me.
HSSoSOme me
My coverage often complimented my dialog, by the time I wrote Hidden Millions I had story structure down as well as character development. All four main characters go through an arc.
Currently looking for a Literary Agent